This section is reserved for GLITCHES solely. Mods get into the MODDING section for GTA V.?
Do not build "spam" posts, this is often enclosed however not restricted to, one word responses, smilies, "k" etc.
Flaming isn't tolerated, line somebody a "leech" or the other offensive words can end in Associate in Nursing misdemeanor.
Do not kindle Subscription codes, this includes forty eight hour trials, there area unit many tutorials around to urge them free.
Do not advertise, this can end in a direct permanent ban.
Do not buy, sell or trade any accounts here.
Do not post "warez" here.
Do not take any threads off topic ("Derailing") as this is often thought of spam(i.e posing for GT's) this is often what PM's area unit for.
Saying "Thanks" or "No Problem" is taken into account spam, if you appreciate one thing somebody has done click variety button.
Do not steal tutorials that don't seem to be yours. we are going to conclude and therefore the post are deleted. if you see a thread of somebody doing this REPORT IT.
Threads denote here should contain a text tutorial. Any videos denote here that contain no text tutorial are captive to GTA V Videos.
Repeat offenders could also be subject to consequences.
We prompt all members that the final Board Rules conjointly apply here, and that we encourage all members to scan them.
Please search before posting. a fast search will eliminate any reposted glitches. All reposted glitches are deleted/locked.
All support queries regarding modding, glitching, and or exploiting larceny automotive vehicle V get into the larceny automotive vehicle V Support Section. Any threads found during this section that belong there'll be captive eventually. systematically posting support threads here can end in your thread being deleted till you learn wherever to post.
Support Section
A lot of individuals suppose that their thread relating to a matter is healthier here as a result of it'll get additional attention. don't do that, all support threads are captive to the larceny automotive vehicle V section.
Posts bearing on general play of the sport get into the final space of larceny automotive vehicle V.
It is extremely counseled that these rules area unit discovered and practiced inside the larceny automotive vehicle V sections.
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